Sunday, March 20, 2011

The military owes me a pedicure.

How many idiots does it take to move into a house? Well, none here! Cause we kicked this move in the behind! Of course, after sheer exhaustion and bodily pain that is. The military owes my poor feet a pedicure after all this is said and done. And a manicure for the broken nail and chipped polish I endured.

Thursday, we were able to pick up the keys to our house and brought in a mass of cleaning supplies and laundry (which I was able to put into the brand spankin' new, beautiful washer and dryer that came with the house). We sat anxiously awaiting the movers coming Friday morning. You can't imagine the excitement over seeing your belongings after 5 months and 2 days! It was like Christmas around here! But, it was also a daunting task as well. Especially when the truck pulled up with 6 packed crates. All I could think was, how do two people have so much stuff??? (As Corey would late point out, how does Megan have so much stuff???) And to Corey's credit, most of it is mine. But dangit, if I didn't supply his house with pictures of family and friends and yummy smelling candles...he'd miss it! At least that's my justification.

But with moving 5,000 miles away, there comes heartbreak. If you'll please bow your heads and take a moment of silence for those we've lost along the way...

The DVD shelf where all of our classics and comedies, drama and action films resided.
The Cusinart Grind and Brew coffee maker that brought me so much warmth and energy.
The desk hutch which held all of the instruments to writing cards and letters to the people I love.
And the lower, left corner of our 47" Toshiba LCD TV, which is now lost in the abyss and where a dent is now permanently in its place.  

Thank you.

And where we've lost some things, we've had to replace them, which was sort of fun too do. Yay shopping! And hopefully the claims process with the moving company won't be so awful and we will be reimbursed in a timely manner (as my gut instinct laughs at me).

So, after two days and 80 boxes we have made some definite headway! The place is starting to look good and becoming organized. Give me another 24 hours and it will be perfect! :) And by the end of next week I promise to have some pictures for ya'll!

Corey has this week off for house-hunting leave (which is really intended for moving in) and hopefully since the house is in really good shape, we'll be able to go out and do some things. Maybe go to the beach or snorkeling, go see some movies and get anything else we need for the house.

Now that the house is really in order, I'm starting to have to think about job hunting (terrifying!). I am not looking forward to this at all. I think this is my least favorite part about moving. I hate starting over. I have no idea where to look or what to do, but that doesn't change the fact that I still have to do it!. Waaaaahhhh. That's me crying. But, if there's anything that I've learned from my life, it's that God truly does provide. Somehow, I have always been taken care of in the job department, so I'm keepin' the faith!

Hope everyone is well and know that we miss everyone tons!

Aloha for now! :)

1 comment:

  1. Meg,
    Sorry for your broken pieces..esp the coffee maker:( I'm glad the house is coming along-can't wait to see pics. Good luck with the job hunt, if you find one let me know! haha, maybe I will come and join you. Miss you boo boo!
